“Forward with Faith” Our Parish Goal for this year: $92,016
If you have ever given to Together in Mission, you should have received your pledge card in the mail. We are having an in-pew process Sunday, June 5/6 and we asked that you bring the card with you, however, if you did not remember, there will be extra envelopes for you at Mass. You can bring the card with you and dropped them into the Sunday collection basket the following weekend or it can be mailed in or dropped off at the parish center office. Cards will be available in the vestibule and at the parish center office. Should you prefer to make a donation directly to the Together in Mission office here is a link
https://togetherinmission.org/ways-to-give, just be sure to note that you want our parish "Incarnation, Glendale" to receive the credit for the donation.
We are committed to helping all those in our own archdiocese who are in great need, and now, more than ever, these poorer parishes need our help. Incarnation’s goal this year is $92,016.00. We want to congratulate you all because even in this past pandemic year of 2020, we met our goal of $80,688.00! Congratulations! We have complete faith in the generosity of Incarnation Parishioners and know that we can do this again to help our fellow Catholics in 67 parishes and 74 schools!
We thank you for your generosity in sharing whatever you are able to, and may the Lord continue to bless all of us at Incarnation Catholic Church and throughout the Archdiocese of Los Angeles!