The Life, Justice & Peace Ministry is collecting socks for the homeless. We are asking for new white tube socks. Please drop off donations in the collection box at the Parish office by Sunday, Feb. 20. For more info, contact us via email at [email protected] or learn more by clicking here to visit our web page.
Did you somehow miss getting confirmed? Are you an active participating Catholic? We have a wonderful opportunity for you to become fully initiated into the faith! Our eight-session online series just for adults begins this February. Please contact Dn. Dominic at [email protected] or call 818-627-5595 for more information. We look forward to journeying with you!
The Province of the Most Pure Heart of Mary (PCM), Order of Carmelites, mourns the death of the Reverend Augustine Carter, O.Carm, who died at the age 97 on December 23,2021, in Sun Valley, California. The funeral Mass for Reverend Augustine Carter, O.Carm, will be at Our Lady of Grace Church in Encino, California, on Friday, January 21, 2022, with visitation at 10:00 A.M. and funeral at 10:30 AM, followed by a reception. Augustine was born to...
The iChildren's Choir (iCC) raised $500 for the parish in its 3rd Annual Christmas Caroling. The iCC sang outside the Parish Center after the 7:30AM Mass (in 46-degree-weather), 9AM Mass (57-degree-weather), 10:30AM Mass (69-degree-weather), and 12PM Mass (72-degree-weather) on the Feast of the Epiphany. In the past, the iCC would sing on the Feast of the Holy Family...