Dear Friends, As you may have already heard, my four-year term at Incarnation ends this month on June 30, and on July 1, 2022, I will begin my new assignment as the Associate Pastor at St. Paschal Baylon in Thousand Oaks. Thank you so much for your presence in my life as a priest at Incarnation, through your prayers, conversations, love, and support. Thank you especially to Fr. Rodel, Fr. Parker, Msgr. Hefner, Dcn. Dominic, Dcn. Morgan, Dr. Boysen...
Father's Day is this coming Sunday, a day in which we honor and give thanks for our fathers. Although we should always be grateful for how much these men do for us, Father's Day is the day to really show our appreciation. Here at Incarnation Catholic Church, we treasure our fathers dearly, and we would like to afford them due honor or remember their memories. Our Father's Day Novena will take place June 19 to 28. There are cards at the entrances of...
Producers of the Eucharistic documentary, “ALIVE,” invite all the Archdiocesan community to the new showing on June 21, 2022 in movie theaters nationwide. The Eucharistic documentary was a fan favorite and captured a #1 per screen average at its initial opening on April 25, 2022. The upcoming and highly anticipated June encore showing of ALIVE will coincide with the Feast of Corpus Christi and the launch of the three-year Eucharistic Revival...
Join us in the patio after Mass this weekend to say farewell and offer best wishes to our seminarian-intern Jorge Moncada as he returns to St. John's Seminary to continue his formation.
Sign up after Mass on June 12th for the Potluck Farewell Lunch for Fr. John O’Brien to take place Sunday, June 26 after the Noon Mass. Let us know what favorite dish you are bringing! All are welcome.