Archbishop Jose Gomez has assigned Transitional Deacon Christian Morquecho to our parish effective January 2, 2025 to June 30, 2025. Let’s welcome Deacon Christian Morquecho with open arms and accompany him with our prayers in this Vocational Synthesis Stage of his formation. He will be living in the rectory with our priests and will be serving our parish in his capacity and faculties as a deacon.
“The Lord hears the cry of the poor” (Psalm 34:7), and we, the Catholic bishops of California, as shepherds of the flock of Christ, have seen and heard the growing distress among you, our migrant brothers and sisters. We want to assure you that we, and our mother, the Church, stand with you in these days of anxiety. You are not alone. We realize that the calls for mass deportations and raids on undocumented individuals and migrant families have created...